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Star Cluster Stitch

About This Stitch Pattern

This knitting tutorial will help you learn how to knit the star cluster stitch. This stitch creates a mesh like pattern with a lot of texture. The star cluster stitch would be great for scarves, blankets, and baby blankets!

[Video] Stitch Pattern Tutorial

[youtube id=TgaeSR0aUNw]

Techniques Used in this Stitch

Stitch Pattern Details

Skill Level


Row Repeat


Stitch Repeat

Multiples of 4 + 2

Stitch Pattern Instructions

Cast On:Multiples of 4 + 2

  • Row 1: (Right Side): K1, *k2tog, (yo) twice, k2tog-tbl; rep from *, end k1.
  • Row 2: P2, *p1 (the first yo), p1-b (the second yo); Cluster the next 2 sts as follows: sl 2 wyib, bring yarn to front between needles, sl the same 2 sts back to left-hand needle, pass yarn to back between needles, sl the same 2 sts wyib again; rep from *, end p1, p1-b, p2.
  • Row 3: K3, *k2tog, (yo) twice, k2tog-b; rep from *, end k3.
  • Row 4: P2, *Cluster 2, p1, p1-b; rep from *, end Cluster 2, p2.

Repeat rows 1-4 until you have reached your desired length.

Stitch Pattern Swatch Photos

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